
WhatsApp Conversations

There are two (2) ways conversations can be initiated on the WhatsApp API. They are Client-initiated conversations and Business-Initiated conversations. As a business using the API, you can only initiate conversations on the WhatsApp channel using template messages.

Template Messages

Template messages refer to pre-approved message templates used for outbound notifications like OTP and appointment reminders to customers. Unlike free-form messages, template messages are the only type of message that can be sent to customers who have yet to message you, or who have not sent you a message in the last 24 hours. These messages must be approved by WhatsApp. Approval can take anywhere from 1 minute to 24hours.

Creating Template Messages

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Template Messages > click on new template message

Step 2: Fill in the required information. Take note that the name of the template message must be in lowercase with underscore (_) used as space

Step 3: After filling and selecting the right parameters, click submit for approval

Step 4: Check the template status bar to know when/if your template message was approved. It can take up to 24 hours for an approval decision to be made.

Send Your First WhatsApp Messages

Step 1: Navigate to the Conversations Module > click New

Step 2: Click select to choose the WhatsApp channel you want to send the message from

Step 3: In the space provided, type in either the customer's name or number then click start a conversation. If the number is valid, a chat box will open

Step 4: Click select a template message at the bottom of the page. Click please select and pick from the list of template messages and click send message

Step 5: Wait for the customer to respond and continue the conversation as needed. The conversation window will be open for 24hours. After which, you will need to use a template message to continue chatting

Tagging Conversations

Tags allow you label conversations. To create tags;

Step 1: Navigate to settings > tags and click new tag

Step 2: Enter the name of the Tag you wish to create and select a highlight color and click add tag.

Step 3: Navigate to conversations. Pick a conversation either from queue or from the ones already assigned to you and the chat box will open

Step 4: Hover over the icons on the top left corner of the chat box and select tag. A small drop down will appear.

Step 5: Click on Add tag, select the appropriate tag for the conversation from the list of tags. You can have multiple tags on one conversation.

Sending Multimedia

You can send multimedia (images, videos and documents) through any channel on the OneRoute platform. Here's how:

Step 1: Navigate to the Conversations Module

Step 2: Select a conversation either from queue or from the Assigned to me tab.

Step 3: At the bottom of the chat box, there are five icons. Click on the attachment icon and select the media you want and click open to attach

Step 5: Type an accompanying message. If none, press enter to send.

Search and Filter Through Conversations

To filter through conversations;

Step 1: Navigate to the Conversations Module and click on the search bar. You will be given a drop down of different filter parameters.

Step 2: Select and filter as required.

Step 3: To close the search tab, click the X at the right end of the search bar


Broadcasts allows you send messages to multiple customers at once. Broadcasts are sent either via WhatsApp, Email or SMS.

Sending Broadcast Messages

Step 1: Navigate to the Broadcast Module and click New Broadcast

Step 2: Type in the name of the broadcast and select the channel you want to send this broadcast from and click Proceed to compose message

Step 3: Type in your broadcast subject, then message. Feel free to use any of the tags provided at the bottom of the page to personalize your message then click proceed to select recipient

Step 4: Select the recipients from the list of customers. If you have a group created, you can select them in the target audience tab then click proceed to confirm

Step 5: Review the broadcast details and either send later or click send broadcast

Last updated